Saturday, April 5, 2014

Presumed abductions of human beings by non human entities ?

Is it possible to put some light in what I define as the mystery of the abduction through Horary Astrology? I believe it is possible indeed if we follow the strict ancient rules dictated by thousands of years of experience.
Are the presumed abductions of human beings by non human entities real events? The chart calculated at 8,34 PM on January 18, 2014, shows no strictures for reading and it is performed in Saturn Day and Saturn hour.
Since Saturn, the big malefic, finds its “joy” in the malignant 12 house, the chart is radical.
The first house rules the querent, and its cusp, the Ascendant is found at 6 degrees and 1 minute of Virgo, whose ruling planet is Mercury, that becomes significator of the querent while Moon is co-significator.

Now we have to watch carefully the nine house which rules between many other things the extraterrestrials and the 12 house of prision, restriction, capture and of course abduction and places of confinement. Moon at  00 degrees of Virgo, conjuncts  the Ascendant and is in the last degrees of the 12 house whose cusp is in Leo, ruled by the Sun which is in Capricorn, the house of Saturn.
Mercury, significator of the querent is in Aquarius, also a sign ruled traditionally by Saturn. So we find that all the significant planets and houses of this horary chart are related to Saturn. This planet signifies abandoned and subterranean places, basements, caves, government buildings and deprivations, and his house of Joy is the 12, ruling the question about the abductions.
The Moon which applies to a trine with Saturn, of course, also conjuncts the fixed star Regulus which points to powerful friends, danger from enemies and false friends, gain by speculation (disinformation?), violence, trouble and sickness. She also trines the Sun, which is in a Saturn sign, Capricorn.
As a result of this, I should say massive elements of clarification, abductions are performed by humans, and the abductees are confined not in Extraterrestrial ships but in very terrestrial and even subterranean places and/or buildings. These are a secret, isolated operation whose purpose is to produce fear and copycat situations. In this sense the abductions are nothing but psychological manipulation.

President Eisenhower met with Extraterrestrials or with his dentist?

The 34th President of the United States had a meeting with  extraterrestrials at a remote air base in New Mexico in 1954, according to Timothy Good, and Ufologists included Dr. Michael Salla.
On the night and early hours of February 20-21, 1954, while on a ‘vacation’ to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and allegedly was taken to Edwards Air force base for a secret meeting.
When he showed up the next morning at a church service in Los Angeles, reporters were told that he had to have emergency dental treatment the previous evening and had visited a local dentist. The question gives the alternative. President Eisenhower met with Extraterrestrials of with his dentist?

 We will now learn many things from the Horary Chart.
The tenth house here becomes the 1st one, since the 10 rules Presidents. We can see that Leo, with Sun ruler, is in the ascendant conjunct with Moon.
Sun is in the third house in Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn, and Saturn is the signifier of dentists..!
In the same third house of communications and meetings we find Mercury which signifies also meetings but Mercury is in Aquarius, also ruled in classical astrology by Saturn.
There is however another planet that signifies dentists and it is Mars. In the Chart we can see that Mars is in Libra which is also the exaltation of Saturn. If we need more, we see that Saturn in the Ten Presidencial house is in Scorpio, sign ruled by Mars, and the red planet is mutual reception with Saturn The two signifiers of dentists are mutually reinforced by this reception.
Uranus which symbolizes the Aliens is in the 5 house of personal matters, gambling, speculation and publications. But there is more, because the Moon in Leo, applies to a sextil to Saturn. By the way Saturn conjuncts Unuk, a fixed star which symbolizes nurses and ailments.
As we can see, the horary chart clearly and obviously tells us that the President had a meeting with his dentist and not with the presumed extraterrestrials. Uranus tells us also that the story of the meeting with Aliens was a product of speculation, rumors( Mercury) and the imagination of journalists and ufologists.

Richard Dolan's breakaway civilization: fact or fiction?

The ufologist Richard Dolan wrote about what he calls a breakaway civilization. This clandestine but human organization provided with the benefits of advanced Extraterrestrial technology and unlimited capital, has its own space program and as a shadow government, controls our planet.
The question is this one: Is this “breakaway civilization” real or fictitious?
The time of the Horary chart was 3, 24 A.M, Dec. 10, 2013.

The answer is clearly negative and we will see why this is so.
The Ascendant at 29 Degrees 38 min of Libra is a warning and stricture called Ascendant in the last three degrees of the rising sign. The late Ascendant suggests that the question is unnecessary and even that changes in Dolan’s mind make the whole thing obsolete.
However there are more negative elements. This late ascendant is also in the Via Combusta.
The Via Combusta or burning path is the portion of the zodiac between 15 degrees of Libra and 15 degrees of Scorpio.
This segment of the sky contains a good number of malefic stars, and the message here is that the answer of the question is negative. For Ptolomeus,  with significators in the via combusta, the chart becomes unreadable.
If however, we insist in looking closely at this chart we find that Moon at 27 degrees 24’ of Piscis, is Void of Course which means that Luna doesn’t aspect any planet before leaving the sign. This is another negative expression because a void Moon means that the situation will not progress any further and that nothing comes from this matter.
Consequently, the answer is NO. That breakaway civilization doesn’t exist at all.