"What follows derives from a combination of logic and confidential conversations I have had in the course of my journeys into this field, as well as discussions with a few other researchers who are also uncovering the same general scenario. Quietly, we are doing what we can to help each other and learn more about all this.
I believe that members of the breakaway civilization are recruited from the militaries of several nations. It appears that the U.S. Navy is a key provider of personnel. But wherever they come from, they work under deep cover, below many layers of deniability. Those of them who have families give no hint to their spouses and children what they really do, which is to monitor and somehow deal with the presence of these other beings. Obviously, these people are lifers. Even after they retire, they are never truly out.
Their interests include not simply advanced propulsion and weaponry, although these are important. My best guess is that other areas include several that are off-limits to respectable science: psi enhancement, memory management, and space-time management. It seems to me that at least some people who are said to be “military abductees” have been taken and used in this manner – but clearly not by the standard military branches. No, this is an operation courtesy of our “breakaway” group, which works with military cover. Such actions are necessary from their point of view, as they know that these “others” operate in a way that can affect space-time reality. They might therefore decide that they need their own cadre to “see” and affect things across space and time.
The breakaway civilization is probably not unified. Certainly, rivalries and competition abound within the U.S. and global intelligence scene. It is probably no different here, and there is no reason to suppose that the original incarnation of “MJ-12” is the only game in town. Within the sprawling U.S. intelligence structure are many opportunities for rogue, or at least divergent, groups. I believe this applies to the breakaway civilization, and the logic is certainly there. The prize, after all, is substantial: knowledge of the most advanced technologies and scientific concepts imaginable. The same diversity, incidentally, seems to apply to the “others.” These beings may not all cooperate with each other, but whether or not there are active hostilities among them I have no idea.
My supposition is based on a combination of the known facts and the additional scraps that have reached me. If I am right, then a web of attitudes and alliances exists behind the scenes. In such a situation, having an accurate scorecard would be quite valuable. Still, I must emphasize I cannot prove this scenario at the present time. I consider it a working theory.
I should think that members of the breakaway civilization might despair of ever educating the rest of humanity on what is going on. Their own reality is probably so far beyond our own, they may rightfully ask, how can they bring us up to speed without causing a worldwide psychological meltdown?
First House at 17 Degrees 37'' of GEMINIS, has Mercury as ruler and as always the Moon in Horary Astrology. Now the 12 House cusp at 9 Degrees 36' of Taurus, So Venus and Moon ar rulers here.
However, Venus , combust by the Sun is weak and conjuncts the malefic Saturn while Mercury is located in the Via Combusta, the very negative area between 15 degrees of Libra to 15 Escorpio, and this is a stricture against judgement because events can take a sudden unpredictable turn that contradicts the reading.
The Moon in Leo, applies to a square with Venus combust and ruler of the 12 house.
Since even the Ascendant is in a fateful degree, we must consider that the question cannot be answered by Yes or No. For the conscious astrologer, the sky is deniyng the answer in this case of the Breackaway Civilization.
Addenda: The climax of the Chart is not good, on the contrary there is something ominous here. The restriction of judgement if totally justified.